Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation

Cultivating plants, people and communities since 1977

A shady corner in the Cool Color Border

Are you needing to feel cool and relaxed? This border creates a cool-feeling border by including plants with texture and shades of blue, green, purple, lavender, silver and white.

There are lots of pretty colors in the garden!

HIbiscus syriacus


Plants in this section of the Cool Color Border include: Salvia farinaceae ‘Victoria Blue’, front left; Paeonia, front  right; Nicotiana sylvestris, center left;  Echinops bannaticus ‘Blue Glow’, mid center; Veronica longifolia  ‘First Lady’, right center; and Clematis ‘MultiBlue’ far right.


Cool Color Border Plant List

#Botanical NameCultivarCommon NameTreeNative
CC1Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsil'monkshood
CC2Ajuga reptansbugleweed
CC3Anchlys atriphyllavanilla leaf
CC4Aruncus aethusifoliusdwarf goat's beard
CC5Anemone hupehensispink Japanese anemone
CC6Astrantia major 'Star of Billion'masterwort
CC7Astilbe chinensisastilbe, false spirea
CC8Clematis 'Multi Blue'deciduous clematis
CC9 Beesia deltophyllawhite buttercup
CC10Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow'blue glow thistle
CC11Galium adoratumsweet woodruff
CC12Athyrium 'Pewter Lace'painted fern
CC13Disporum cantoniense 'Moonlight'Chinese fairy bells
CC14Hibiscus syriacus 'Minerva'rose of Sharon
CC15Helleborus hybridus 'Crystal Leaf'hellebore
CC16Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'brunnera
CC17Polemonium caeruleumJacob's ladder
CC18LeucanthemumShasta daisy
CC19Liatris spicata 'Blazing Star'violet, white
CC20Nicotiana sylvestristobacco plantN
CC22Paeoniapeony (pale pink)N
CC23Origanum laevigatumHopley's purple oreganoN
CC24Polystichum munitumwestern sword fernN
CC25Primulapurple primrose
CC26Pulmonaria officinalislungwort
CC27Rhododendron 'Unique'
CC28Salvia farinaceae 'Victoria Blue'
CC29Penstemon hybrida 'Midnight'beardtongue
CC30Penstemon hybrida 'Quartz Amethyst'beardtongue
CC31Hostaplantain lily
CC32Stachys byzantinalamb's ears
CC33Styrax japonicus 'Carillon'Japanese snowbell tree
CC34Thalictrummeadow rueN
CC35Rosa 'Nastarana'shrub rose
CC36Salvia nemorosa 'Snowhill'meadow sage
CC37Tiarella cordifolia 'Sugar and Spice'foamflower
CC38Tiarella cordifolia 'Jeepers Creepers'foamflower
CC39Tiarella cordifolia native foamflower
CC40Trycyrtis 'Samurai'toad lily
CC41Veronica longifolia 'First Lady'tall speedwell
CC50Allium 'Gladiator'
CC51Polemonium caeruleumJacob's ladder
CC52Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven'Jacob's ladder
CC53Veronica spicata 'Giles Van Hees”spike speedwell
CC54Zantedeschiacalla lily