Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation

Cultivating plants, people and communities since 1977


The Ask a Master Gardener blog features a wide range of articles written by Skagit County WSU Extension Master Gardeners on topics relevant to gardeners in the North Puget Sound area.

Fall Planting
Ask a Master Gardener

Fall Planting

July is the time to plant a fall/winter garden. A little work now will set you up for a fresh,...
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Western Redcedars
Ask a Master Gardener

Western Redcedars

The best action today's gardeners and homeowners can take to prevent redcedar dieback is to keep the soil around their...
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Open House 2024
Ask a Master Gardener

Open House 2024

Join us for this year’s Open House at the Discovery Garden, the Salal Native Plant Garden, and the NW Fruit...
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Hypertufa Containers
Ask a Master Gardener Nearby Nature Plant Biodiversity

Hypertufa Containers

Alpine gardening enthusiasts have found a solution to recreate the beauty they see in the alpine regions by using hypertufa...
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Memorial Gardens
Ask a Master Gardener

Memorial Gardens

The very act of envisioning, planning, and creating a memorial garden can help you focus on things beautiful and symbolic...
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Plant Clinics
Ask a Master Gardener

Plant Clinics

Visit a Master Gardener Plant Clinic and get answers to your questions from WSU Extension-trained experts.
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30th Annual Plant Fair
Ask a Master Gardener

30th Annual Plant Fair

Plants, education, food, music. Kick off your gardening season at the 30th Annual Skagit Master Gardener Plant Fair - Saturday,...
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Potting Soil
Ask a Master Gardener Soil Health

Potting Soil

Successful container gardening depends on the attributes of your potting soil. Take a deep dive into how it is made...
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Tent Caterpillars
Nearby Nature Ornamental Gardening

Tent Caterpillars

During this time of year, tent caterpillar egg casings on the branches of deciduous trees are easy to spot. Remove...
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Gardening Fitness
Ask a Master Gardener

Gardening Fitness

As you plan for the gardening season ahead, tune-up with these at-home stretches and exercises so you'll be up to...
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Gardening for All Abilities
Ask a Master Gardener Local Food Ornamental Gardening Vegetable Gardening

Gardening for All Abilities

Whatever the physical challenge, take heart and continue to enjoy gardening by implementing some of these adaptive methods.
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Gardening for Wildlife
Ask a Master Gardener Nearby Nature Ornamental Gardening Plant Biodiversity Pollinators

Gardening for Wildlife

Explore the benefits of using keystone plants to create a wildlife-friendly ecosystem in your own garden.
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Ask a Master Gardener Local Food Nearby Nature Ornamental Gardening Plant Biodiversity Pollinators Vegetable Gardening


Learn about pollinators and open your eyes to the beauty and intricate connectivity of nature. As gardeners, we can make...
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Veggie Gardening for Rookies
Ask a Master Gardener Local Food Vegetable Gardening

Veggie Gardening for Rookies

Interested in growing vegetables but wondering where to start? Master gardeners walk you through what to consider when starting a...
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Indoor Grow Stand
Ask a Master Gardener Local Food Vegetable Gardening

Indoor Grow Stand

Grow herbs and vegetables in the middle of the winter with an indoor growing stand.
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Raised Beds
Ask a Master Gardener Local Food Vegetable Gardening

Raised Beds

Winter is a great time to plan for next season and explore the many advantages of building raised gardening beds.
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Season Extenders
Ask a Master Gardener Local Food

Season Extenders

An early frost quickly brings a close to the gardening season. Here, Master Gardener Hallie Kintner discusses tools and techniques...
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The Health Benefits of Gardening
Ask a Master Gardener

The Health Benefits of Gardening

Gardening has long been considered good for the soul. Here Master Gardener Kathy Wolfe writes about the many ways gardening...
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Plant Spring Blooming Bulbs Now
Ask a Master Gardener Flowers Plant Biodiversity

Plant Spring Blooming Bulbs Now

Master Gardener Jessamyn Tuttle explores the many wonderful bulbs which, if planted now, will bloom as early as late January.
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Seed Saving 101
Ask a Master Gardener Flowers Local Food Nearby Nature Plant Biodiversity Vegetable Gardening

Seed Saving 101

Master Gardener Sheri Rylaarsdam shares the fun of getting started saving and sharing seeds from your garden.
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