Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation

Cultivating plants, people and communities since 1977

Varieties for sale at the 2024 Plant Fair

If you’re looking for tomato plants, head for Building D (affectionately dubbed The Tomato Barn), where more than 3,000 plants will be available. You’ll find 39 varieties that have proven to be favorites of Skagit Valley tomato lovers, plus limited numbers of some “rare and unusual” types.

New this year is the Skagit Dwarf Tomato Project. In response to many requests for tomato plants that could be grown in a pot on either a deck or condo/apartment balcony, master gardeners have sourced a limited quantity of plants that perfectly fit this need. Look for a table of dwarf varieties at the back of the barn. Or ask a master gardener for assistance.

Use the lists below to plan ahead so you'll be ready to shop!

Cherry Tomatoes

VarietyDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Black Cherry70IndeterminateHeirloomBeautiful, mahogany-purple fruit with a rich taste that makes "black" tomatoes famous. Complex flavor that is fruity, balanced, sweet, and intense. Round fruits grow in abundant heavy clusters. Very prolific!1 inch
Dwarf Tiny Tim55HeirloomDwarf Tiny Tim grows 8 to 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Early producing, quick growing plants nearly cover themselves in heavy clusters of scarlet fruits. Delicious, sweet flavor with a touch of acidity.1 inch
Dwarf Velvet Night70Open-PollinatedDwarf Velvet Night grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Tasty, purple fruit with sweet, earthy flavor. Excellent yield.1 - 3 oz.
Gold Nugget60DeterminateOpen-PollinatedVAlways among the first tomatoes to ripen, Gold Nugget has a golden-yellow color and an unusually rich, sweet, well-balanced flavor. Compact, vigorous plants are loaded with fruit from early in the season until frost. Prolific. 1 inch
Gold Spark65IndeterminateHybridF1, LM, ToMVA great snacking tomato! Dark-yellow, elongated grape-shaped fruit with delicious, sweet, meaty flesh. Crack-resistant. 2 inch
Juliet60IndeterminateHybridEB, LBAAS Winner. Deep red, shiny oblong fruits ripen early and through the fall. Typically 12–18 fruit per cluster. Delicious, rich tomato flavor is good for eating fresh, in salads, salsa, and sauce. Good crack resistance.1 1/2 - 2 oz.
Large Red Cherry75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedIdeal for patios, small gardens, hanging baskets, and containers Deep scarlet fruits are bursting with sweet flavor. These beautiful tomatoes grow abundantly in clusters. Easy to grow and harvest. High yielding over a long growing period. Excellent for fresh eating, salads, snacks, roasting, salsas, and canning. 1 - 1 1/4 inch
Orange Paruche65Semi-DeterminateHybridF1, ToMV, TMVThese sweet and flavorful fruits capture the flavor of summer. Orange Paruche excels in productivity with astonishing quantities of brilliant, glowing orange fruit borne in giant clusters. Delicious and sweet with a tomato tang. Irresistible and vitamin packed. 1 inch
Sebastopol70IndeterminateHeirloom#1 in the Skagit Master Gardeners’ 2023 Tomato Tasting. Produces loads of sweet-tasting, flavorful red fruit with a spark of tartness. A wonderful salad or snacking tomato. A woman in Sebastopol, CA grew these for 70 years. 3/4 inch
Sungold65IndeterminateHybridF1, TMVOne of the most-asked for varieties at every Skagit County Master Gardener Plant Fair, Sungold’s sweet, intense, fruity flavor is a big hit. Great for snacking. 10-15 bright tangerine-colored fruits are borne on each long truss. Prolific plant yields early and bears fruit throughout the season. 1 3/4 inch
Sunsugar65IndeterminateHybridF1, TMVPossibly the best eating you’ll ever get with a cherry tomato! Full-bodied flavor captures the old-fashioned "tomato essence." Super sweet with a bit of tang. Grows in clusters, going from green to yellow to bright tangerine as it ripens. Very heavy bearing throughout the growing season. Crack resistant. 1/2 oz.
Super Sweet 10065IndeterminateHybridSuper Sweet 100 has more sweetness and better disease fighting ability than its beloved predecessor, Sweet 100. Bursting with the same great flavor though. Prolific vines produce long pendulous clusters of scarlet fruits right up to frost time. 1 oz.
Sweet Million65IndeterminateHybridF1, N, SP, TMVAnother great cherry tomato! All summer long, Sweet Million produces large grape-like clusters with masses of tomatoes. Dark-red fruit is super-sweet. and tender. Prolific, high performing plant. 1 - 1 1/2 inch
Terenzo55DeterminateHybridAAS Winner. High-yielding, low-growing, trailing plant.  Juicy, sweet, red fruit. Compact plant is excellent in containers and hanging baskets. Crack resistant. 1 1/4 inch
Washington Cherry60DeterminateOpen-PollinatedWashington Cherry is an early-bearing, high-yielding, compact plant. The deep-red fruit is thick-walled, meaty, sweet, and flavorful. Developed by Washington State University. 1 oz.

Salad Tomatoes

VarietyDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Dwarf Sarandipity65Open-PollinatedDwarf Sarandipity grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Round fruit is chocolate colored with vertical green stripes. Firm, deep crimson flesh is mild and sweet. Great for canning, grilling, and more. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Green Zebra75IndeterminateHeirloomStriking chartreuse fruit with deep lime-green stripes and a yellow blush. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting. Sweet and zesty flavor. Gorgeous addition to a plate of mixed color tomatoes. Excellent yield. 3 - 4 oz.
Japanese Black Trifele80IndeterminateHeirloomOne of the darkest varieties available. Pear-shaped fruit has green-streaked shoulders, deepening to mahogany and finally to a darkened, nearly black base. Meaty interior has similar, opulent shades and a complex, rich flavor to match. Harvest when shoulders are still green for best flavor. Very crack resistant. Prolific. 4 - 6 oz.
Jaune Flamme75IndeterminateHeirloomThis beautiful French heirloom, ‘Yellow Flame’ in English, is a bright apricot-orange fruit surrounding reddish flesh. Grows by the dozens in long trusses. Excellent, fruity, full-bodied flavor is a perfect balance of sweet and tart. They’re great for fresh eating, roasting, drying or sauce.1 1/2 - 2 inch
Moskvich60IndeterminateHeirloomCRA star tomato every year in many Skagit gardens! Starts producing early in the season and into the fall. Deep-red, smallish fruit has an outstanding, rich flavor. Abundant crop. Crack resistant. 4 - 6 oz.
Stupice65IndeterminateHeirloomThis popular, early-season tomato is ideal for containers and small space gardens. The potato leaf plant produces an abundant crop of sweet, deep red, slightly oval fruit through the entire growing season. Consistently gets high marks for taste and yield. Some say every Skagit garden should have one of these! First grown in the Czech Republic.3 - 6 oz.
Taxi65DeterminateOpen-PollinatedTaxi is ideal for containers and small gardens. This early producing, bright-yellow tomato will add great color to your salads, salsas, and plates of tomatoes. Mild and fruity flavor, juicy texture, and meatiness make this old-timey yellow beefsteak a favorite. Prolific. 4 - 8 oz.
Yellow Perfection75IndeterminateHeirloomA terrific yellow tomato! This potato leaf plant produces tons of bright yellow, golf-ball size fruit. Thin-skinned and delicious. Very sweet, mild acid-free flavor. Few seeds. Fabulous sliced, in salads, or fresh off the vine. A tasty old English heirloom tomato dating back to at least the 1800’s.1 1/2 - 2 inch


VarietyDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Abe Lincoln75IndeterminateHeirloomA wonderful old heirloom prized by many gardeners. Brilliant red, juicy, meaty tomato with few seeds. Great old-fashioned tomato taste. Delicious, rich, slightly acidic flavor. First introduced in Illinois in 1923. 8 - 12 oz.
Big Beef Plus75IndeterminateHybridAS, F, FOR, GLS, N, ToMV, V, TSWV, VOne of the most loved beefsteaks now with improved flavor, color and disease resistance. Old-time flavor. Rich red internal color, meaty and juicy. 8 - 10 oz.
Black Krim80IndeterminateHeirloomDelicious Black Krim places high in taste trials and it's beautiful too. Juicy tomato with bold, rich, smoky, sweet flavors. Very dark maroon beefsteak. Originated in Crimea, a good source for tomatoes that grow well in Skagit County.8 - 12 oz.
Black Sea Man75DeterminateHeirloomSome say it's the best tasting tomato ever! Stunningly rich flavor. Potato leaf plant with deep mahogany fruit and olive-green shoulders. A hardy Ukrainian heirloom that is well suited for Skagit climates.4 - 8 oz.
Brandywine Red80IndeterminateHeirloomBrandywine Red is one of the most popular and best-tasting heirloom tomatoes. Deep pink skin and smooth, red flesh. This potato-leaf plant bears baseball-sized, flavorful fruit that is both sweet and acidic.10 - 16 oz.
Celebrity Plus75DeterminateHybridASC, F1, FOR, GLS, N, ToMV, TSWV, VCelebrity Plus has sweeter, larger fruit, better crack resistance, and better disease resistance than the original Celebrity (an AAS Winner). Meaty. Mild taste. Prolific. 7 - 8 oz.
Cherokee Purple80IndeterminateHeirloomBeloved heirloom valued for its flavor and unusual dark coloring. Rich, full-flavored and juicy with a strong tomato tang. Dusty pink/purple exterior with shoulders that remain green when ripe. Insides range from purple to brown to green. A favorite among NW  enthusiasts. Believed to have originated more than 120 years ago in the Cherokee nation in Tennessee.10 - 16 oz.
Crimson Carmello70IndeterminateHybrid F1, LB, N, TMV, ToMV, VStar performer in PNW gardens. Produces heavy clusters of generous size fruit on strong, uniform, plants. Round, red, and juicy fruits with perfect sweet to acid balance. A top pick of famous PNW gardener Ciscoe Morris.5 - 7 oz.
Damsel75IndeterminateHybridLB, N, VBig, pink globe with outstanding heirloom flavor qualities (sweet, rich, and tangy). However, it is more resistant to disease than most heirloom tomatoes. A star performer in many Skagit gardens!8 - 12 oz.
Dwarf Lemon Ice70Open-PollinatedDwarf Lemon Ice grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Heart shaped. Low acid tomato but still has a depth of flavor, balance, and robustness not often found in yellow tomatoes. Occasionally has green shoulders on its icy yellow skin. Yellow flesh. Prolific.3 - 7 oz
Early Girl60IndeterminateHybridF1, VA long-time favorite, Early Girl is one of the first varieties to ripen each year. Abundant yields of meaty, full-flavored fruit. Extreme tolerance of drought and blossom end rot.4 - 6 oz.
Genuwine75IndeterminateHybridThis cross of two delicious heirlooms combines the huge yields of Costoluto Genovese with the rich flavor of Brandywine. Added benefits include earlier maturity, hybrid vigor and uniformity. Produces abundant big, beautiful, slightly squat, pleated tomatoes with all the flavor of its parents and none of their shortcomings.12 - 14 oz.
Mountain Merit75DeterminateHybridF, GLS, LB, N, TSWV, VAAS award winner for its excellent disease resistance, good flavor and production. Deep-red beefsteak has sweet flavor and firm flesh. Seed companies marvel about its disease resistance. Resistant to cracking, F, GLS, N, TSWV, V.8 - 10 oz.
Paul Robeson80IndeterminateHeirloomA favorite in taste test competitions.  Adored by tomato lovers, this beautiful maroon/brick-red tomato has dark green shoulders and red flesh. Exceptional and distinctive flavor. Juicy with a nice balance of sweetness and acidity. Named in honor of Paul Robeson, the influential opera singer, actor, and civil rights activist. Produces well in Skagit County.8 - 12 oz.

Paste Tomatoes

VarietyDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Amish Paste80IndeterminateHeirloomLarge, meaty fruit for rich sauces, thick pastes, and canning. Nearly seedless. Deep red flesh is firm, not too juicy. Delicious taste is a fine balance between sweet and rich. A long-time culinary favorite introduced in Pennsylvania Amish country in the late 1800s.8 - 12 oz.
Dwarf Audrey's Love75Open-PollinatedDwarf Audrey’s Love grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Taste is mild, well-balanced, and earthy with sweet undertones. Firm and meaty. Elongated ripe fruit is beautiful with purple and green blushing and striping. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Nova65DeterminateOpen-PollinatedNova is one of the earliest paste tomatoes to ripen. Tasty, meaty, lipstick-red fruit is elongated with a pointed end. Excellent for canning and making sauce. Prolific. 1 1/2 - 2 inch
Opalka80IndeterminateHeirloomUnlike many paste-type varieties, Opalka has an excellent, rich, sweet  flavor. This, along with its meatiness and few seeds, make it perfect for sauces, processing, or drying. The red fruits are elongated, tapering to blunt or sometimes pointed tips. Prolific. 3 - 6 inch
Roma75DeterminateOpen-PollinatedF2, VHere it is!  The classic variety for canning and sauces.  Flavorful, pear-shaped bright red fruits on heavy-bearing plants. Thick-walled with meaty interiors and very few seeds. Rich, authentic, with tomato tang just right for savory sauces, pastes, and ketchup. Good for growing in containers. 2 oz.
San Marzano75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedThe granddaddy of sauce tomatoes. Fruits are high in sugars, pectin, and flavor; thick flesh and few seeds make San Marzano perfect for rich sauces, pastes, and soups. Large clusters of bright-red meaty fruit. Crack resistant.3 1/2 inch
Verona65IndeterminateHybridF1, EB, VVerona produces long clusters of plump, deep red, cocktail-sized tomatoes. The fruits are grape-shaped with a delicious, sweet flavor. Plants have good disease resistance and the indeterminate vines produce a continuous supply of fruit until frost. Perfect for grilling on skewers, tossing with pasta, adding to a fresh salad or just snacking in the garden! Preserve by canning, drying, or freezing. 2 1/2 inch

Dwarf Varieties

VarietyTypeDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Dwarf Arctic RoseSlicer60Open-PollinatedGrows 2-3 feet high. Fruit is round to oblate, and ripen pink. Flavor is well balanced and delicious.
Dwarf Audrey's LovePaste75Open-PollinatedDwarf Audrey’s Love grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Taste is mild, well-balanced, and earthy with sweet undertones. Firm and meaty. Elongated ripe fruit is beautiful with purple and green blushing and striping. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Dwarf Eagle SmileyCherry 60Open-PollinatedGrows 5 feet. Bright to golden-yellow, globe-shaped fruit that are borne in clusters of eight to ten tomatoes.
Dwarf Lemon IceSlicer70Open-PollinatedDwarf Lemon Ice grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Heart shaped. Low acid tomato but still has a depth of flavor, balance, and robustness not often found in yellow tomatoes. Occasionally has green shoulders on its icy yellow skin. Yellow flesh. Prolific.3 - 7 oz
Dwarf MetallicaSlicer75Open-PollinatedGrows 2-3 feet. Fruit are pink with green stripes, oblate to slightly heart shaped, and flavor is well-balanced; slightly sweet and tangy.
Dwarf Moby's CherryCherry60Open-PollinatedGrows 4-5 feet. Bright yellow to orange, slightly flattened globe shaped fruit. Delicious, well balanced, flavor.
Dwarf Mocha's CherryCherry65Open-PollinatedGrows 18-20 inches. Deep purple fruit turns nearly black when exposed to the sun. Mild flavor on the tart side.
Dwarf Purple HeartSlicer 70Open-PollinatedGrows 3-4 ft. The heart shaped purple tomatoes have deep crimson flesh with a delicious, well-balanced flavor. 
Dwarf SarandipitySalad65Open-PollinatedDwarf Sarandipity grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Round fruit is chocolate colored with vertical green stripes. Firm, deep crimson flesh is mild and sweet. Great for canning, grilling, and more. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Dwarf Tiny TimCherry55HeirloomDwarf Tiny Tim grows 8 to 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Early producing, quick growing plants nearly cover themselves in heavy clusters of scarlet fruits. Delicious, sweet flavor with a touch of acidity.1 inch
Dwarf Velvet NightCherry70Open-PollinatedDwarf Velvet Night grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Tasty, purple fruit with sweet, earthy flavor. Excellent yield.1 - 3 oz.

All Plant Fair Varieties (Print the Whole List!)

VarietyTypeDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Abe LincolnSlicer75IndeterminateHeirloomA wonderful old heirloom prized by many gardeners. Brilliant red, juicy, meaty tomato with few seeds. Great old-fashioned tomato taste. Delicious, rich, slightly acidic flavor. First introduced in Illinois in 1923. 8 - 12 oz.
Amish PastePaste80IndeterminateHeirloomLarge, meaty fruit for rich sauces, thick pastes, and canning. Nearly seedless. Deep red flesh is firm, not too juicy. Delicious taste is a fine balance between sweet and rich. A long-time culinary favorite introduced in Pennsylvania Amish country in the late 1800s.8 - 12 oz.
Big Beef PlusSlicer75IndeterminateHybridAS, F, FOR, GLS, N, ToMV, V, TSWV, VOne of the most loved beefsteaks now with improved flavor, color and disease resistance. Old-time flavor. Rich red internal color, meaty and juicy. 8 - 10 oz.
Black CherryCherry70IndeterminateHeirloomBeautiful, mahogany-purple fruit with a rich taste that makes "black" tomatoes famous. Complex flavor that is fruity, balanced, sweet, and intense. Round fruits grow in abundant heavy clusters. Very prolific!1 inch
Black KrimSlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomDelicious Black Krim places high in taste trials and it's beautiful too. Juicy tomato with bold, rich, smoky, sweet flavors. Very dark maroon beefsteak. Originated in Crimea, a good source for tomatoes that grow well in Skagit County.8 - 12 oz.
Black Sea ManSlicer75DeterminateHeirloomSome say it's the best tasting tomato ever! Stunningly rich flavor. Potato leaf plant with deep mahogany fruit and olive-green shoulders. A hardy Ukrainian heirloom that is well suited for Skagit climates.4 - 8 oz.
Brandywine RedSlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomBrandywine Red is one of the most popular and best-tasting heirloom tomatoes. Deep pink skin and smooth, red flesh. This potato-leaf plant bears baseball-sized, flavorful fruit that is both sweet and acidic.10 - 16 oz.
Celebrity PlusSlicer75DeterminateHybridASC, F1, FOR, GLS, N, ToMV, TSWV, VCelebrity Plus has sweeter, larger fruit, better crack resistance, and better disease resistance than the original Celebrity (an AAS Winner). Meaty. Mild taste. Prolific. 7 - 8 oz.
Cherokee PurpleSlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomBeloved heirloom valued for its flavor and unusual dark coloring. Rich, full-flavored and juicy with a strong tomato tang. Dusty pink/purple exterior with shoulders that remain green when ripe. Insides range from purple to brown to green. A favorite among NW  enthusiasts. Believed to have originated more than 120 years ago in the Cherokee nation in Tennessee.10 - 16 oz.
Crimson CarmelloSlicer70IndeterminateHybrid F1, LB, N, TMV, ToMV, VStar performer in PNW gardens. Produces heavy clusters of generous size fruit on strong, uniform, plants. Round, red, and juicy fruits with perfect sweet to acid balance. A top pick of famous PNW gardener Ciscoe Morris.5 - 7 oz.
DamselSlicer75IndeterminateHybridLB, N, VBig, pink globe with outstanding heirloom flavor qualities (sweet, rich, and tangy). However, it is more resistant to disease than most heirloom tomatoes. A star performer in many Skagit gardens!8 - 12 oz.
Dwarf Arctic RoseSlicer60Open-PollinatedGrows 2-3 feet high. Fruit is round to oblate, and ripen pink. Flavor is well balanced and delicious.
Dwarf Audrey's LovePaste75Open-PollinatedDwarf Audrey’s Love grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Taste is mild, well-balanced, and earthy with sweet undertones. Firm and meaty. Elongated ripe fruit is beautiful with purple and green blushing and striping. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Dwarf Eagle SmileyCherry 60Open-PollinatedGrows 5 feet. Bright to golden-yellow, globe-shaped fruit that are borne in clusters of eight to ten tomatoes.
Dwarf Lemon IceSlicer70Open-PollinatedDwarf Lemon Ice grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Heart shaped. Low acid tomato but still has a depth of flavor, balance, and robustness not often found in yellow tomatoes. Occasionally has green shoulders on its icy yellow skin. Yellow flesh. Prolific.3 - 7 oz
Dwarf MetallicaSlicer75Open-PollinatedGrows 2-3 feet. Fruit are pink with green stripes, oblate to slightly heart shaped, and flavor is well-balanced; slightly sweet and tangy.
Dwarf Moby's CherryCherry60Open-PollinatedGrows 4-5 feet. Bright yellow to orange, slightly flattened globe shaped fruit. Delicious, well balanced, flavor.
Dwarf Mocha's CherryCherry65Open-PollinatedGrows 18-20 inches. Deep purple fruit turns nearly black when exposed to the sun. Mild flavor on the tart side.
Dwarf Purple HeartSlicer 70Open-PollinatedGrows 3-4 ft. The heart shaped purple tomatoes have deep crimson flesh with a delicious, well-balanced flavor. 
Dwarf SarandipitySalad65Open-PollinatedDwarf Sarandipity grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Round fruit is chocolate colored with vertical green stripes. Firm, deep crimson flesh is mild and sweet. Great for canning, grilling, and more. Prolific.2 - 4 oz.
Dwarf Tiny TimCherry55HeirloomDwarf Tiny Tim grows 8 to 10 inches tall and 7 inches wide, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Early producing, quick growing plants nearly cover themselves in heavy clusters of scarlet fruits. Delicious, sweet flavor with a touch of acidity.1 inch
Dwarf Velvet NightCherry70Open-PollinatedDwarf Velvet Night grows 2-3 feet high, making it ideal for small gardens and containers. Tasty, purple fruit with sweet, earthy flavor. Excellent yield.1 - 3 oz.
Early GirlSlicer60IndeterminateHybridF1, VA long-time favorite, Early Girl is one of the first varieties to ripen each year. Abundant yields of meaty, full-flavored fruit. Extreme tolerance of drought and blossom end rot.4 - 6 oz.
GenuwineSlicer75IndeterminateHybridThis cross of two delicious heirlooms combines the huge yields of Costoluto Genovese with the rich flavor of Brandywine. Added benefits include earlier maturity, hybrid vigor and uniformity. Produces abundant big, beautiful, slightly squat, pleated tomatoes with all the flavor of its parents and none of their shortcomings.12 - 14 oz.
Gold NuggetCherry60DeterminateOpen-PollinatedVAlways among the first tomatoes to ripen, Gold Nugget has a golden-yellow color and an unusually rich, sweet, well-balanced flavor. Compact, vigorous plants are loaded with fruit from early in the season until frost. Prolific. 1 inch
Gold SparkCherry65IndeterminateHybridF1, LM, ToMVA great snacking tomato! Dark-yellow, elongated grape-shaped fruit with delicious, sweet, meaty flesh. Crack-resistant. 2 inch
Green ZebraSalad75IndeterminateHeirloomStriking chartreuse fruit with deep lime-green stripes and a yellow blush. Flesh is bright green and very rich tasting. Sweet and zesty flavor. Gorgeous addition to a plate of mixed color tomatoes. Excellent yield. 3 - 4 oz.
Japanese Black TrifeleSalad80IndeterminateHeirloomOne of the darkest varieties available. Pear-shaped fruit has green-streaked shoulders, deepening to mahogany and finally to a darkened, nearly black base. Meaty interior has similar, opulent shades and a complex, rich flavor to match. Harvest when shoulders are still green for best flavor. Very crack resistant. Prolific. 4 - 6 oz.
Jaune FlammeSalad75IndeterminateHeirloomThis beautiful French heirloom, ‘Yellow Flame’ in English, is a bright apricot-orange fruit surrounding reddish flesh. Grows by the dozens in long trusses. Excellent, fruity, full-bodied flavor is a perfect balance of sweet and tart. They’re great for fresh eating, roasting, drying or sauce.1 1/2 - 2 inch
JulietCherry60IndeterminateHybridEB, LBAAS Winner. Deep red, shiny oblong fruits ripen early and through the fall. Typically 12–18 fruit per cluster. Delicious, rich tomato flavor is good for eating fresh, in salads, salsa, and sauce. Good crack resistance.1 1/2 - 2 oz.
Large Red CherryCherry75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedIdeal for patios, small gardens, hanging baskets, and containers Deep scarlet fruits are bursting with sweet flavor. These beautiful tomatoes grow abundantly in clusters. Easy to grow and harvest. High yielding over a long growing period. Excellent for fresh eating, salads, snacks, roasting, salsas, and canning. 1 - 1 1/4 inch
MoskvichSalad60IndeterminateHeirloomCRA star tomato every year in many Skagit gardens! Starts producing early in the season and into the fall. Deep-red, smallish fruit has an outstanding, rich flavor. Abundant crop. Crack resistant. 4 - 6 oz.
Mountain MeritSlicer75DeterminateHybridF, GLS, LB, N, TSWV, VAAS award winner for its excellent disease resistance, good flavor and production. Deep-red beefsteak has sweet flavor and firm flesh. Seed companies marvel about its disease resistance. Resistant to cracking, F, GLS, N, TSWV, V.8 - 10 oz.
NovaPaste65DeterminateOpen-PollinatedNova is one of the earliest paste tomatoes to ripen. Tasty, meaty, lipstick-red fruit is elongated with a pointed end. Excellent for canning and making sauce. Prolific. 1 1/2 - 2 inch
OpalkaPaste80IndeterminateHeirloomUnlike many paste-type varieties, Opalka has an excellent, rich, sweet  flavor. This, along with its meatiness and few seeds, make it perfect for sauces, processing, or drying. The red fruits are elongated, tapering to blunt or sometimes pointed tips. Prolific. 3 - 6 inch
Orange ParucheCherry65Semi-DeterminateHybridF1, ToMV, TMVThese sweet and flavorful fruits capture the flavor of summer. Orange Paruche excels in productivity with astonishing quantities of brilliant, glowing orange fruit borne in giant clusters. Delicious and sweet with a tomato tang. Irresistible and vitamin packed. 1 inch
Paul RobesonSlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomA favorite in taste test competitions.  Adored by tomato lovers, this beautiful maroon/brick-red tomato has dark green shoulders and red flesh. Exceptional and distinctive flavor. Juicy with a nice balance of sweetness and acidity. Named in honor of Paul Robeson, the influential opera singer, actor, and civil rights activist. Produces well in Skagit County.8 - 12 oz.
RomaPaste75DeterminateOpen-PollinatedF2, VHere it is!  The classic variety for canning and sauces.  Flavorful, pear-shaped bright red fruits on heavy-bearing plants. Thick-walled with meaty interiors and very few seeds. Rich, authentic, with tomato tang just right for savory sauces, pastes, and ketchup. Good for growing in containers. 2 oz.
San MarzanoPaste75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedThe granddaddy of sauce tomatoes. Fruits are high in sugars, pectin, and flavor; thick flesh and few seeds make San Marzano perfect for rich sauces, pastes, and soups. Large clusters of bright-red meaty fruit. Crack resistant.3 1/2 inch
SebastopolCherry70IndeterminateHeirloom#1 in the Skagit Master Gardeners’ 2023 Tomato Tasting. Produces loads of sweet-tasting, flavorful red fruit with a spark of tartness. A wonderful salad or snacking tomato. A woman in Sebastopol, CA grew these for 70 years. 3/4 inch
StupiceSalad65IndeterminateHeirloomThis popular, early-season tomato is ideal for containers and small space gardens. The potato leaf plant produces an abundant crop of sweet, deep red, slightly oval fruit through the entire growing season. Consistently gets high marks for taste and yield. Some say every Skagit garden should have one of these! First grown in the Czech Republic.3 - 6 oz.
SungoldCherry65IndeterminateHybridF1, TMVOne of the most-asked for varieties at every Skagit County Master Gardener Plant Fair, Sungold’s sweet, intense, fruity flavor is a big hit. Great for snacking. 10-15 bright tangerine-colored fruits are borne on each long truss. Prolific plant yields early and bears fruit throughout the season. 1 3/4 inch
SunsugarCherry65IndeterminateHybridF1, TMVPossibly the best eating you’ll ever get with a cherry tomato! Full-bodied flavor captures the old-fashioned "tomato essence." Super sweet with a bit of tang. Grows in clusters, going from green to yellow to bright tangerine as it ripens. Very heavy bearing throughout the growing season. Crack resistant. 1/2 oz.
Super Sweet 100Cherry65IndeterminateHybridSuper Sweet 100 has more sweetness and better disease fighting ability than its beloved predecessor, Sweet 100. Bursting with the same great flavor though. Prolific vines produce long pendulous clusters of scarlet fruits right up to frost time. 1 oz.
Sweet MillionCherry65IndeterminateHybridF1, N, SP, TMVAnother great cherry tomato! All summer long, Sweet Million produces large grape-like clusters with masses of tomatoes. Dark-red fruit is super-sweet. and tender. Prolific, high performing plant. 1 - 1 1/2 inch
TaxiSalad65DeterminateOpen-PollinatedTaxi is ideal for containers and small gardens. This early producing, bright-yellow tomato will add great color to your salads, salsas, and plates of tomatoes. Mild and fruity flavor, juicy texture, and meatiness make this old-timey yellow beefsteak a favorite. Prolific. 4 - 8 oz.
TerenzoCherry55DeterminateHybridAAS Winner. High-yielding, low-growing, trailing plant.  Juicy, sweet, red fruit. Compact plant is excellent in containers and hanging baskets. Crack resistant. 1 1/4 inch
VeronaPaste65IndeterminateHybridF1, EB, VVerona produces long clusters of plump, deep red, cocktail-sized tomatoes. The fruits are grape-shaped with a delicious, sweet flavor. Plants have good disease resistance and the indeterminate vines produce a continuous supply of fruit until frost. Perfect for grilling on skewers, tossing with pasta, adding to a fresh salad or just snacking in the garden! Preserve by canning, drying, or freezing. 2 1/2 inch
Washington CherryCherry60DeterminateOpen-PollinatedWashington Cherry is an early-bearing, high-yielding, compact plant. The deep-red fruit is thick-walled, meaty, sweet, and flavorful. Developed by Washington State University. 1 oz.
Yellow PerfectionSalad75IndeterminateHeirloomA terrific yellow tomato! This potato leaf plant produces tons of bright yellow, golf-ball size fruit. Thin-skinned and delicious. Very sweet, mild acid-free flavor. Few seeds. Fabulous sliced, in salads, or fresh off the vine. A tasty old English heirloom tomato dating back to at least the 1800’s.1 1/2 - 2 inch

Special Varieties (Limited Supply)

VarietyTypeDaysGrowth HabitSeed TypeDisease ResistanceDescriptionSizePicture
Black VernissageSalad75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedDeep mahogany, striped with green. Flavor is rich, especially tasty in sauces.
Brad's Atomic GrapeCherry75IndeterminateOpen PollinatedElongated, sweet tomatoes are lavender/purple striped when immature, turning green/red/brown with blue stripes.
CarbonSlicer75IndeterminateHeirloomPurple-brown, beefsteak. Rich, complex flavors. Winner of the 2005 "Heirloom Garden Show" best tasting tomato award.
Chef's Choice BicolorSlicer75IndeterminateHybridScab2020 AAS Winner! Heirloom-type, pale yellow tomatoes with deep red splashes throughout the lemony yellow flesh.
Chef's Choice BlackSlicer75IndeterminateHybrid2019 AAS Winner. A beefsteak type tomato with a dark green/brown/black hue, meaty interior and great flavor. Disease resistant.
Chocolate CherryCherry70IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedSlender yellow grape tomatoes have exceptional flavor.1 Inch
Corazon de BueySlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomLight red, oxheart shaped fruits. Delicious rich flavor. Perfect for caprese, but also for pasta sauces.
EsterinaCherry60IndeterminateHybridBright yellow.
Evil OliveSalad75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedOlive green with red streaks when ripe. 
Green Vernissage Salad75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedPleasantly sweet, pale green fruits with dark green stripes. Very good for fresh eating, salads, drying, or sauces.
Hungarian HeartSlicer85IndeterminateHeirloomLarge, pink, oxheart fruits have few seeds and resistant to cracking. Well balanced flavor.
La Roma lllPaste75DeterminateHybridA, F2, N, VAn excellent Roma tomato known for its vigor and uniformity. Bright red, meaty fruits.
Negro de SantiagoSlicer80IndeterminateHeirloomChocolate, dark purple skin with green traces on the shoulders. Intense spicy, rich flavor. Variety originating from Galicia, Spain.5 oz.
Peacevine Cherry70IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedProlific red cherries with delicious flavor! Very high in vitamin C and amino acids. Crack resistant.
Pink Berkley Tie-DyeSlicer70IndeterminateHeirloomPort wine colored beefsteak with metallic green stripes. The flavor is very sweet, rich and complex like the finest heirlooms. 8 - 12 oz.
Pink BoarSlicer75IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedPort wine colored fruits with metallic silver green stripes and dark red interiors. It has a very good rich and sweet flavor2-4 oz.
Quedlinburger Fruhe LiebeCherry40IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedAn extremely early German heirloom. Round red fruits on potato leaf plants1-2 Inch
Queen of the NightSalad80IndeterminateHeirloomThis richly flavored black tomato has brushstrokes of ebony, crimson and orange. Sweet rich tomato taste!
Rossa SicilianSlicer80DeterminateHeirloomAn Italian heirloom. Striking deep red, ribbed fruits have firm, meaty flesh. Perfect for making tomato sauces and pastes.
SkyreacherSlicer70IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedExcellent flavor. Very pretty, small round slicer with a beautiful red and orange striped exterior.
StarlightCherry70IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedSlender yellow grape tomatoes have exceptional flavor.
Strawberry FieldsSlicer75IndeterminateHybridPink Slicer
SunraySlicer80IndeterminateOpen-PollinatedF1, VYellow fruit. Rich flavor.
SweetieCherry65IndeterminateHeirloomBite-sized heirloom tomatoes, deliciously sweet, and grow on vigorous plants. Fruits are good size for eating out of hand, or for salads.
Wapsipinicon PeachSalad80IndeterminateHeirloomWinner of SSE’s 2006 Tomato Tasting. The flavor is complex, spicy, sweet, and very fruity

Disease Resistance

Tomato disease codes defined below are used in the above lists to indicate which diseases a tomato variety is resistant to.

When HR accompanies a code, it indicates the variety has high resistance to that disease. IR indicates intermediate resistance.

Code Disease Name Disease Type
A Alternaria Stem Canker Fungal
AB Early Blight (Alternaria solani) Fungal
CR Crack Resistance
F1 Fusarium Wilt Race 1 Fungal
F2 Fusarium Wilt Races 1 and 2 Fungal
F3 Fusarium Wilt Races 0, 1, and 2 Fungal
LB Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans) Water mold
LM Leaf Mold Fungal
Code Disease Name Disease Type
N Nematodes Parasite
St/L Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot) Fungal
TMV Tobacco Mosaic Virus Viral
ToANV Tomato Apex Necrotic Virus Viral
ToMV Tomato Mosaic Virus (Strains 0, 1, and 2) Viral
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Viral
TYLCV Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Viral
V Verticillium Wilt Fungal