Skagit County Master Gardener Foundation

Cultivating plants, people and communities since 1977

2020_July 10_DG-nkcrowell-17

What is pollination?

Pollination is the means by which plants produce seeds.  It occurs when pollen grains from a flower’s male parts (anthers) are transported to the female part (stigma) of the same species.  Most plants cannot set seed without being pollinated. While wind and water can also move pollen, most plants depend on pollinators to transport pollen.

Plants produce scents and/or nectar to attract pollinators.  As pollinators collect nectar from one flower, some of the pollen grains attach to their legs, abdomen, and/or other body parts.  When the pollinator moves to the next flower, the pollen grains are likewise transported, some of which are then deposited in that flower.

hummingbird on fuschia by Nancy Crowell


Who are our pollinators?

Pollinators are more than bees, butterflies and birds.  They are all of the animals that move pollen between flowers, including moths, wasps, flies, beetles, and some bats.

What Can you Do for Pollinators?

- Provide a wildflower-rich habitat in a sunny spot
- Use native plants which are often the best sources of nectar and pollen for native pollinators and can serve also as larval host plants

  • Choose a variety of colors and shapes to attract a range of pollinators
  • Choose plants with bloom times from early spring to late fall
  • Plant in clumps rather than singly
  • Combine annuals and perennials

- Create habitat for nesting, resting, egg-laying and larval food

  • Keep some fallen branches and brush in places in your garden
  • Provide small patches of bare ground

- Avoid pesticides and herbicides. Herbicides, while normally not directly lethal to insects, can reduce plant diversity and thus essential pollen and nectar for pollinators.
- Provide a water source. Butterflies often congregate on wet sand or mud to drink water and extract minerals from the damp puddles. Many people are familiar with birdbaths, but remember to give birds, as well as bees and other insects, a landing pad so that they can drink the water from the bath.


The Pollinator Garden is planted with an assortment of both native and non-native shrubs and perennials. Plants chosen are known to be nectar and pollen sources for diversity of pollinators.

honey bee on flower by Nancy Crowell

Why are pollinators important?

Pollinators are almost as important as sunlight, soil and water to the reproductive success of more than 75% of the world’s flowering plants.  They play a key role in our ecosystem and are an essential link in agriculture.  They also provide nutrition in the form of seeds and fruits for many wild animals, both large and small.

lavender and hotlips A Foster

Pollinator Garden Plant List

#Botanical NameCultivarCommon NameTreeNativePollinatorsBloom Time
1Achillea millefoliumcommon yarrowNbees, beetlessummer-fall
2Allium giganteumgiant alliumbees, butterflieslate spring-summer
3Allium spaerocephalon 'Drumsticks'drumstick alliumhummingbirds, beeslate spring-summer
4Anaphalis margaritaceapearly everlastingNbutterfiles, mothsmid-summer-fall
5Anemone nemorosawood anemonebees, hoverfliesearly spring
6Aquilegia formosacolumbineNhummingbirds, butterflieslate spring-summer
7Aquilegia vulgariscolumbinehummingbirds, butterflieslate spring-early summer
8Aquilegia canadensis 'Pink Lanterns'columbinehummingbirds, butterflies, beesspring-early summer
9Asclepias tuberosabutterfly weedbutterflies, hummingbirdsearly summer-fall
10Astilbe astilbebeessummer-fall
11Borago officinalisborageNbees, syrphid fliessummer
12Calendula officinaliscalendula, pot marigoldbutterflies, bees, hoverflies, beetlesspring-fall
13Camassia quamashcamasNbees, hummingbirdsspring
14Campenula rotundifoliaharebellNbeessummer-fall
15Castilleja levisectagolden paintbrushNbeesspring-early summer
16Cosmos bipinnatus 'Rubenza'cosmosbees, butterfliessummer-fall
17Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora 'George Davidson'montbretiahummingbirds, butterflieslate summer-fall
18Crocosmia x curtonus 'Lucifer'montbretiahummingbirdssummer
19Digitalis grandiflorfoxglovebees, hummingbirdsspring-early summer
20Digitalis purpureacommon foxglovebees, hummingbirdsspring-early summer
21Echinops bannaticus 'Blue Glow'blue globe thistlebees, butterflies, hoverfliessummer
22Fragaria vescawood strawberryNbeeslate spring-summer
23Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis 'Aurea'golden leaved hardy fuchsiahummingbirds, beessummer-fall
24Geranium x Rozannegeranium Rozannebeeslate spring-fall
25Geum hybrid 'Fireball'giant avensbees, butterflies, beneficial insectsspring-fall
26Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'Japanese forest grassspring
27Helleborus orientalislenten rosebees, flies, hummingbirdswinter-early spring
28Hemerocallis lilioasphodelusyellow daylilyhummingbirds, bees, butterflies, fliessummer
29Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'coral bellshummingbirds, beeslate spring-early summer
30Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy'autumn joy sedumbees, flieslate summer-fall
31Kniphofia uvariayellow-orange torch lilyhummingbirds, beetlessummer
32Lavandula angustifoliaEnglish lavenderbees, butterfliessummer
33Lobularia maritimasweet alyssumNbees, butterflies, hummingbirdsspring-late fall
34Mahonia nervosadull oregon grapeNbees, butterflies, hummingbirds, mothsspring
35Meconopsis cambricayellow Welsh poppybeeslate spring-fall
36Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline'bee balmhummingbirds, butterfliesmid-summer
37Monarda fistulosabee balmNhummingbirds, bees, butterfliesmid-summer
38Narcissus pseudonarcissusdaffodilNbeesearly spring
39Polemonium caeruleumJacob's ladder, Greek valerianbeesspring-early summer
40Polygonatum canaliculatumgiant Solomon's sealNbeesspring
41Potentilla fruiticosa 'Pink Princess'potentillaNbeeslate spring-fall
42Primula 'Sweetheart'pink primrosebeesspring
43Primula 'Corporal Baxter'double red primrosebeesspring
44Ribes sanguineumred-flowering currentNhummingbirds, beesspring
45Rudbeckia fulgidaconeflowerbeneficial insectssummer-fall
46Schizostylis coccineacrimson flag lilybees, butterflieslate summer-winter
47Sedum albumwhite stonecropbeessummer
48Sedum kamtschaticumorange stonecropbeessummer
49Sedum spathulifoliumbroadleaf stonecropNbees, butterfliesspring-summer
50Solidago rugosagoldenrodbees, butterflieslate summer-fall
51Spirea japonica 'Walbuma'magic carpet spireabutterflieslate spring-summer
52Symphyotrichum chilensecommon California asterNbees, butterflieslate summer-fall
53Tulipatuliphummingbirds, bees, butterfliesspring

Pollinator Dryscape Garden Plant List

#Botanical NameCultivarCommon NameTreeNativePollinatorsBloom Time
1Achillea millefoliumcommon yarrowNbees, beetlessummer-fall
2Anaphalis margaritaceapearly everlastingNbutterfiles, mothsmid-summer-fall
3Aquilegia canadensis 'Pink Lanterns'columbinehummingbirds, bees, butterfliesspring-early summer
4Campenula rotundifoliaharebellNbeessummer-fall
5Clematis integrifolia 'Roguchi'solitary virgin's bowerhummingbirds, butterflieslate summer-fall
6Clematis 'Zojapur'purple clematisbutterflies, hummingbirdssummer
7Hylotelephium 'Autumn Joy'autumn joy sedumbees, flieslate summer-fall
8Lavendula angustifoliaEnglish lavenderbees, butterfliessummer
9Meconopsis cambricayellow Welsh poppybeeslate spring-fall
10Narcissus pseudonarcissusdaffodilNbeesearly spring
11Schizostylis coccineacrimson flag lilybees, butterflieslate summer-winter
12Sedum kamtschaticumorange stonecropbeessummer
13Solidago rugosagoldenrodbees, butterflieslate summer-fall
14Spiraea japonica 'Walbuma'magic carpet spireabutterflieslate spring-summer
15Tulipatuliphummingbirds, bees, butterfliesspring
16Verbascum 'Sugar Plum'mulleinhummingbirds, bees, butterfliesspring-summer